Sunday, May 4, 2014

Today In America...

I've come to the conclusion that the Internet is to blame for a lot of problems in the modern day society. 'News reports' are created just to generate 'likes' and page views. Your search results are based on who can pay more for page 1 of Google. Social status is based on social media. You are being fed more lies then ever before. People can take one little thing and add to it and blow it up into some huge "conspiracy" or "break through story" when it simply is just some wrongful interpretation.  I can not tell you how much stories are being shared on facebook that are completely fake, but I can tell you that it is probably most of them. You can take any prison photo put your own crazy story to it (shit, you won't even have to cite it or add sources, because the modern person has no idea what it is anyway) and people will start sharing it because it's 'shocking' and 'grotesque.' Did you know there is a lot of musicians that became famous because of record labels illegally paying for radio time? *cough* Limp Bizkit *cough* we now live in a world that is driven by attention and money. Anything that gets attention is a gold pot, wither it's true, skewed, or completely fictitious. Did you know that Sony and Universal records had over 2 billion views stripped away from there YouTube accounts and also had video deleted on too long ago? It's because Google found out they were paying for fake views so there videos would quickly become the most viewed and there for get promoted on YouTube. Go on youtube, look up anything about government conspiracy or the Illuminati, those low quality videos with a bunch of made up bullshit gets millions of views while never once stating a single fact. ALSO did you know music video directors and lyricists exploit this by including "Illuminati related content" in their music and videos because they know there will be 30+ video on youtube talking about it for years to come.

So whats my point? My point is the internet is fucked and you should be more aware of what you are looking at and how you are desensitizing yourself. I've seen social experiments where people beat people up in public and no on will even stop and help, I don't believe this would have happened years ago. It's time to snap out of it and get out of this societal rut we are stuck in. Do you have no morals? There will only be few that get this far in this lengthy status update, but to you I salute. You care more then the average person and we need more people like you. I never ask for people to share my status but this is one to be shared because we need to wake the fuck up and smell the roses, not the bullshit.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Intervention SR Model

This is the final model for my Intervention SR.
The yellow will show up as gold in game, and the grey parts are high gloss chrome.

The scope is see through with a red tint.

GameFly is a bust for PC Gamers

So I saw the ad running on TV sayin "EXTENDED FREE TRIAL!" and "UNLIMITED PC PLAY!"

Sounds awesome right?!

Ok first.. the code only extends your trial an extra 4 DAYS. Second, you are SO limited on the games that have unlimited pc play. Anything good they just want to sell. Only thing I found on there that was decent was Ghost Recon. (Not even old call of duty titles)

Simply Put, if you're a PC gamer just take what you would spend on your membership and just buy the games.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Chey Tac M200 Intervention

Ok. FIRST DAY in Blender. Pretty proud of this.
I'll be using this in my game.
It's a W.I.P. but it's looking legit.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cartoon Head

This is my first 3D model made in Blender 2.66.

It's a cartoon head, I probably won't use it at all. I got Blender to make custom characters and weapons for an Multiplayer FPS I'm starting in UDK (Might switch to Unity 3D, Idk). It will pretty much just be Like COD MP but with very abstract maps. The first map I'm making is a huge white platform with multiple white boxes of all different sizes, I might have launchpads? Don't know yet. And don't have a name yet. I will most likely do the opposite of most games. I want to eventually create some sort of story line explaining why you are in "abstract space" with guns and killing people.

I'm abandoning my RPG, I was just doin' it for fun. My Zombie game is still in the open and might even be part of the single player of the above game.

I'll be posting models, test videos, and all that.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Electric Gordon - Possession

Visual made in Adobe After Effects CS4
(I know its not the best quality, I need to change the ratio and render settings, I just wanted it to render quickly)
Samples are from the 2012 movie "The Possesion"
Awesome Movie:)

New Ableton Addicts logo!

Created using Adobe After Effect CS4